I found these handy shopping bags a few months ago and was thoroughly impressed! The Reisenthel Easy Bags fit into your shopping cart, and are easy to fill, then unload at register, and refill and carry out. Keeps all items secure in the bag without having to worry about those little plastic bags overturning in the trunk. Then just carry the bag into your house to unload. You know I love a smart, clever, easy idea, and this is it.
The side hooks secure it to the shopping cart. There is also a zippered pouch to keep your coupons or shopping list. The top has a velcro closure so no worry to have anything spill out. They are very sturdy and well made.
Several patterns and colors to choose from.
Then when you are done, it fits into a pouch and is ready for the next use.
Love these!
December 31, 2011 @ 9:44 am