Yeah, I said it, foot ointment. Sounds like it’s for old people, right? Well, we all know I’m old. But this is for soft heels. I know I have blogged before about my ped-pro, and the Vaseline cream on the little footsies. But this year, between rushing around with Christmas, and then getting sick, I must admit I neglected my heels a smidge. To the point where I had two deep cracks in each heel. Wah! They didn’t hurt but they were cracked and dry. My manicurist/pedicurist/wonder woman recommended Kerasal Foot Ointment.

I found mine at CVS for about $10. Not in the beauty section, or the lotion section, but in the old people foot ortho/ointment section. Nonetheless, I purchased it and went on my merry way.  It works. After just a few nights the cracks are all filled in and happy again.

Wonder if my son thinks it’s okay if I do glam alerts on old people stuff?