Quick post today. If you don’t already know about Reynolds Non-stick Wrap, then pay attention. If you bake fish, or chicken, or fries, or anything that you want a quick clean up, then line your baking sheet with Reynolds Wrap Non-Stick Wrap. I have started a health kick this year (along with 88 trillion other people with their new year’s resolutions) and I make a lot of salmon and fish. I just line my baking sheet with this paper and bada-bing, food is done, doesn’t stick to anything, and I just throw out the foil and call it a night. If I could only get the fish not to splatter all over my clean oven, it would be a perfect world. Any suggestions?

It’s also great for making a foil packet of veggies, or putting food on the grill. Once you try the non-stick version, I doubt you ever buy the regular again.